Video Streaming Server With Multi-Protocol,Robust And Rich API
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Based on the introduction of   Architecture  , We know that Ti Top Streamer consists of four components and can only run on Linux systems. Below are the TCP and UDP ports they occupy at runtime:

1. TCP Port (It is divided into two parts, please refer to the table below)

Port Program Purpose Configuration Access from outside
8089 process "ttsm" for Config Server Used for Config Server to provide HTTP service Can be modified in the file /usr/local/TiTopStreamer/conf/server.json No need
8085 process "ttsm" for Rest Server Used for Rest Server to provide HTTP service Can be modified in the file /usr/local/TiTopStreamer/conf/server.json Need only when integrate with outside system
8088 process "ttsm" for Web Manager Used for Web Server to provide Http service Can be modified in the file /usr/local/TiTopStreamer/conf/server.json Need

Notes:If you modify the default port 8089 of the Configuration Server in ttsm, You still need to modify the file /usr/local/TiTopStreamer/bin/TiTopStreamer.service, Please search for "8089" in this file and modify it to a new port once found. Afterwards, you also need to run /usr/local/TiTopStreamer/bin/ and /usr/local/TiTopStreamer/bin/ in order, respectively, Its purpose is to re register the modified .service file into the system.

Port Program Purpose Configuration Access from outside system
8087 process "tts" for Streaming Engine Used for Streaming Engine to provide Http service Can be modified in the file /usr/local/TiTopStreamer/conf/engine.json No need
1935 process "tts" for Streaming Engine Used for Streaming Engine to provide RTMP service Can be modified on the Web console pannel Need
8080 process "tts" for Streaming Engine Used for Streaming Engine to provide HTTP streaming service(HLS and FLV) Can be modified on the Web console pannel Need
8086 process "ttsm" for VOD streaming service Used for vod streaming service Can be modified in the file /usr/local/TiTopStreamer/conf/engine.json Need

Notes: About the port 8086 of VOD streaming service. Here,an explanation must be made. Based on the introduction to Architecture, All streaming services are uniformly undertaken by the process "tts", Due to the vod streaming service is relatively simple and independent (The implication is that it is independent of live streaming services). So,in order not to affect the original live streaming service, we placed it in the ttsm process. But in order to unify the architecture of streaming services, you can still access VOD streaming services through the port of HTTP live streaming service (8080), in this case, The port number occupied by the "ttsm" process mentioned here does not require open to the external network.

2. UDP Port

Port Program Purpose Configuration Access from outside
7002 process "ttsm" for Config Server Config Server receive the key event message from Streaming Engine Can be modified in the file /usr/local/TiTopStreamer-x.x.x/conf/engine.json No need

Notes: about the UDP port related with gb28181 and webrtc,You can find them in web console pannel.

3. If you want to confirm which programs are currently using the above ports, you can use the following command to view (using TCP 8089 port as an example):
netstat -anp | grep tcp | grep 8089
At this point, the system will provide the following feedback:
tcp        0      0 localhost:8089*               LISTEN      16649/ttsm
In this way, you have confirmed that this port is being occupied by the ttsm process, with process number 16649.

And so on, you can continue to search for other ports being occupied:

Notes: TCP port 8080 is usually recognized as "http alt" on Linux systems, So if you use the string "8080" to search, it may not be possible to find it. In this case, please use the string "http alt" to search, for example:
netstat -anp | grep tcp | grep http-alt
Notes: TCP port 8088 is usually recognized as "omniorb" on Linux systems, so if you search with the string "8080", it may not be found. In this case, please use the string "omniorb" to search, for example:
netstat -anp | grep tcp | grep omniorb

4. If you want to see which programs are currently using the UDP port, you can use the following command to view it (using UDP 7002 port as an example):
netstat -anp | grep udp | grep 7002
At this point, the system will provide the following feedback::
udp        0      0  *                           16649/ttsm
In this way, you have confirmed that this port is being occupied by the ttsm process, with process number 16649.