Video Streaming Server With Multi-Protocol,Robust And Rich API
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All the configuration files of Ti Top Streamer are saved in the directory of "conf" (Default at /usr/local/TiTopStreamer/conf)

Here, let's introduce the configuration files, subdirectories, and configuration files under these subdirectories:

admin.password Each line in this file represents a user and password, separated by commas, used for logging in on the management interface
Application_xxx.json This file is an application configuration template file. Every time a new application is created, a copy of this file will be made to the application directory
engine.json This file mainly stores some necessary information during the runtime of the Stream Engine, such as the port number of RTMP
server.json This file mainly stores the port number of the WEB management interface, the port number of the Rest interface service, as well as the IP whitelist and IP blacklist when accessing these services
server.license This file contains the license key information required for software runtime
text_zh.json This file contains the menu text and explanatory text information on the WEB pannel, which is in Chinese
text_en.json This file contains the menu text and explanatory text information on the WEB pannel, which is in English
gb28181.json This file contains the configuration related to GB28181
webrtc.json This file contains the configuration related to webrtc
live This is a subdirectory that represents the "live" application. The configuration for this application is all in this directory. If there are other applications, corresponding subdirectories will also be created
live\application.json This file is the application configuration file for the "live" application, and most of the parameters you configure on the web interface are in this file
live2 This is a subdirectory representing the application "live2" (note: this is just an example using "live2", your application may have a different name)
live2\forward "forward" is a subdirectory under "live2", where all forwarding tasks under the "live2" application will be saved
live2\forward\ The "" file contains a specific forwarding task named "xxx", which includes the name of the stream to be forwarded, forwarding address, forwarding protocol, etc
live2\source "source" is a subdirectory under "live2", where all source stream information under the "live2" application will be saved
live2\source\ The "" file contains specific source stream information, which is pulled into the server and generates a stream named xxx. This file contains the streaming address, technical protocol, and related parameters